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By fear that this blog thing is being taken too seriously, I will announce my retirement from the blog scene, at some point.

For now, I believe it is time for me to tell you a story of how today went. Today went great, I was called upon to do a task I did not want to do. I did it. I had enough time to do some other things I had been putting off. So, I did them too. At some point in the day, an elderly woman with a fake british accent shouted out “Ladies!” Apparently, this is how you would go about getting a males attention in the “old days” in fake england.

Being an expert in mental handicap, I came running to her aid. She slurred out a pre-stroke rant about a blue robe.

Her best friend Linda, we call her that, told me that my shirt looked nice while utilizing a slightly southern accent.

I solved the great blue robe mystery while ending the flirtatious comments of Linda, we still call her that, with a quick “I know!”

In a perfect blindfolded stab at a british accent, Linda uttered the words “Such a lovely lady.” to her friend, fake brit.

While the accents left me wondering, the commas kept me coming back.

Original Post: February 15th 2006

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